20 Years Ago Today…

Happy 20th Birthday, Gracie Girl!

Born at 4:57 a.m. (no wonder you’re a night owl now),

weighing in at 7 lb. 6 oz., and 20″ long.

You were, and are, a joy to us.

We love your laughter,

your generosity,

your quick determination of right and wrong,

your love of life – out loud,

and your passion for Jesus.

Happy Birthday, Gracie Girl.

You were a beautiful baby,

a beautiful toddler,

and a beautiful teenager.

About rlbreflections

Born and raised in Muskegon, Michigan. Graduated from Oakridge High School - Go Blue! Married a University of Michigan grad - Go Blue! Back in college full-time at East Tennessee State University - Go Blue!

5 responses »

  1. sweet post!

  2. Happy Birthday Gracie…you ARE special!!!
    Auntie Helen

  3. Happy Birthday!!! you are AWESOME!!!!

    Blessings and wisdom to you, riches that are worth more than gold!

    Take Care. Listen to your inner spirit.

    Go Gracie!!


  4. This is so nice, Rhonda. I remember when Gracie was born … on Jessica’s 3rd birthday. It seems like, not that long ago, she was a precious little girl and now, so quickly, she is a beautiful young woman. You and Tom have done a wonderful job. We love you all. 🙂

  5. Dadgum, daddy tears, just spilled on my laptop. Good post, Rhonda!


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