Tag Archives: Christmas

Christmas decorations…ARG!

Well, after seeing the IMAX version of  A Christmas Carol, I couldn’t very well say “bah humbug!” I’ve only recently gotten over my night terrors from all the scary movies I saw as a teenager. I don’t need ghosts visiting me because I sound like Scrooge.

I wonder if I would put up decorations if I didn’t have kids. Knowing they love it motivates me to drag the boxes up from the basement (okay, I make them drag the boxes up), drive for hours to find the perfect tree, carefully unpack ornaments and knick knacks to place all over the house (which means that I have to dust first – ARG!)…only to have to reverse the process in a month.

Last year I finally went through ALL of the ornaments and packed a box for each child of ornaments they’ve gotten over the years. I’m talking about the special Target boxes with dividers in them – BIG boxes. They EACH have a full box and we STILL have six boxes of ornaments left over, not to mention boxes of lights and greenery. ARG!

I’ve avoided most of the outside decorating, especially being in the south with no snow. But this year Nathan wanted us to put lights outside, so he and Tom will climb ladders and hang lights along the roof-line of the house. ARG! (I wonder how long it will take us to remove those…maybe April when we climb up there to finish painting the trim.)

Between swim meets and final exams, decorating will not commence until the 19th of December. Feel free to drop by and give me a hand.