22 Years Ago…

A tribute to Lydia, born November 1, 1987 in Margate, FL.

Tom and Lydia01

Dad and Lydia

Tom and Lydia

Mom and Lydia

Lydia Tea Party

One of Lydia's favorite toys.

My favorite story that I found looking through Lydia’s baby book this morning was a time shortly after the tea party picture. Lydia was getting undressed for a bath. I had Grace (our 2nd daughter – a newborn) in the bathroom with me. After Lydia undressed she looked over and noticed that her baby sister was looking at her. She said, “Look mommy, Gracie wants to nurse on my ‘westies.'” (Yes, Lydia, I had to bring up nursing. HA!)

Happy Birthday, Lydia. You have brought tremendous joy into our lives the last 22 years. Have a wonderful birthday.


Mom and Dad

About rlbreflections

Born and raised in Muskegon, Michigan. Graduated from Oakridge High School - Go Blue! Married a University of Michigan grad - Go Blue! Back in college full-time at East Tennessee State University - Go Blue!

3 responses »

  1. hahahaha mom! this is great! thanks for sharing! lol xoxo

  2. I love the memories…Happy Birthday Lydia!!!
    Love from Uncle Eric and Aunt Helen

  3. Wow! That’s just too funny! 😀


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